We moved to a different house in April 2013 after 35 years in the previous one. We are now on five acres somewhat out in the country but about five miles tfrom each of three nice, but very different, communities. Our main reason for moving was to be able to keep our converted coach (motorhome) at the house and have enough property to allow us to eventually build a bus barn/garage for it. The house we bought was in very usable condition but of course we had the inside painted to our liking have made a few other changes. We have a bit more to do over the next few years, include the barn and probably a new roof on the house. Our big projects have been the following (those with links have their own page and photo gallery):
2013-03: Basement office and ham radio shack
2013-05: Pull-through driveway improvement and culverts
2014-06: Backyard firepit
2014-07: Front sidewalk and stairs
2014-07: Rear retaining walls and drainage
2014-08: Natural gas service
2014-09: Library HVAC and garage furnace
2014-09: Garage electrical panel
2020?: Storage Shed
2022-2023: Post-frame outbuilding. Bus and trailer storage, workshop, and storeroom
2024-07: New garage doors
2024 09-12: Floor refinishing, stair railing, and new dining room furniture