2014/05/09 (F) Rally Ready

Today was all about preparing for the Escapees RV Club Escapade.  Large rallies, like the Escapades, are week-long events with non-stop activity from sunrise to well after sunset.  We like to stick to our way of eating, but there isn’t as much time to prepare meals at such events, so Linda spent much of the day preparing and pre-cooking most of our dinner meals for the week. Breakfast and lunch tend to be simpler meals with less cooking involved.  Part of her cooking today, however, was her yummy granola which we will have for breakfast most mornings.

I spent a good part of the day working at my desk on e-mail, website, and blog tasks.  I took occasional breaks to select clothes and stage other items to load on the bus.  On an afternoon break I topped off the coolant in the Aqua-Hot and hooked the car to the motorcoach.

After dinner I wrapped up my desk work, shut down my computers, and staged all of the electronics that still needed to go on the bus.  We relaxed for a while in the evening and by bedtime we were comfortable with our level of preparation and, with only a small number of things left to do, confident of an early departure in the morning.


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